What currencies do you support?

Nook currently supports the following currencies: 

Australian Dollar (AUD)

Israeli Shekel (ILS) Romanian Leu (RON)
Bahrain Dinar (BHD) Japanese Yen (JPY) Saudi Riyal (SAR)
Bulgarian Lev (BGN) Kenyan Shilling (KES)  Singapore Dollar (SGD)
Canadian Dollar (CAD) Kuwait Dinar (KWD) South African Rand (ZAR)
Chinese Yuan (CNH) Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)* Swedish Krona (SEK)
Czech Koruna (CZK) Mexican Peso (MXN) Swiss Franc (CHF)
Danish Krone (DKK)  New Zealand Dollar (NZD) Thai Baht (TBH)
Euro (EUR) Norwegian Krone (NOK) Turkish Lira (TRY)
Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)  Omani Rial (OMR) Ugandan Shilling (UGX)
Hungarian Forint (HUF) Phillippine Peso (PHP)* UK Sterling (GBP)
Indian Rupee (INR)* Polish Zloty (PLN) United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED)
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)* Qatar Rial (QAR) US Dollar (USD) 

Please note that these currencies (those marked with *) are restricted currencies and you cannot fund these currencies directly. They can only be bought by converting another supported currency and sold back only in exceptional scenarios. Cutoff times vary by the Sell currency. Please contact for support@nook.io for more information. 

You can can make CNY payments by converting funds firstly to CNH and then to CNY. Please contact for support@nook.io for more information.